Category: Insights

1309, 2024

Il Ruolo dell’IA nel Cyber Risk Management 

Categories: Cyber Risk Management, Insights|

L’attuale era digitale ha portato con sé cambiamenti tecnologici repentini ed innovazioni importanti ponendo al contempo le aziende di fronte a sfide sempre più complesse in termini di sicurezza dei dati e di gestione delle informazioni. L'intelligenza artificiale (IA) ha portato innumerevoli benefici per il business delle aziende e ha, [...]

1309, 2023

EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework (DPF): Ensuring Cross-Border Data Protection

Categories: Insights|

On 10 July, the European Commission adopted its adequacy decision for the EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework (DPF). This decision concluded that the United States ensures an adequate level of protection – compared to that of the EU - for personal data transferred from the European Economic Area (EEA) - which [...]

208, 2023

Security Operation Center (SOC): The need to evolve

Categories: Insights|

The digital landscape is evolving at lightning speed, and so are the threats that come with it. Companies must delve into the imperative for Security Operation Centers (SOCs) to revolutionize their approach in response to emerging security challenges, including the dynamic realm of Cloud data shifting. The Cloud shifting and [...]

912, 2022

How to prevent ransomware attacks: best practices

Categories: Insights|

Ransomware attacks keep raising due to their profitability. How can a company protect itself from these attacks? What is Ransomware? Ransomware is a form of malware designed and developed to encrypt files on devices, rendering them, along with the systems that use them, unusable. The goals of ransomware and malicious [...]

2511, 2022

Why data sovereignty is critical in our hybrid cloud world

Categories: Insights|

With increasing adoption of cloud services by the modern enterprise, data sovereignty becomes more and more crucial due to the extension of the attack surface, and escalating technical challenges in addressing it. Maintaining control over the data Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability (CIA) can be a nightmare in our hybrid cloud world, [...]

1111, 2022

NIS2: Past, present, and future of the new European Cyber Security Directive

Categories: Insights|

The NIS2 Cyber Security Directive came to light on November 10th to enforce the former regulation (2016's NIS) about the increased cyber security threats that Members of the European Union were facing - and continuing to - everyday. What do we expect from the evolution of this law enforcement? NIS2 [...]

2110, 2022

How can companies assess and measure the risk of a cyber attack?

Categories: Insights|

The risks of cyber-attacks are growing more and more in terms of numbers and magnitude due to technology evolution and Geopolitical and macroeconomic context. It has become essential for the organizations to assess those risks and manage them in an effective and timely manner   The risks related to cyber-attacks [...]

209, 2022

CNI Cyber Concern. The Increase of Cyber Attacks on OT

Categories: Insights|

The risk of cyber attacks presents a burgeoning threat to our critical national infrastructure (CNI). This is the infrastructure that underpins our society and our economy.As such, recent research has found that 86% of CNI organisations in the UK reported having experienced cyber incidents in the past year. 93% of [...]

208, 2022

GDPR: how it affects cyber security management and what is required by law

Categories: Insights|

A long time has passed since the publication (2016) and subsequent enforcement (2018) of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), but there are still many companies that struggle to keep the various obligations imposed by the GDPR under control. The main questions for businesses are:What are the privacy regulation requirements [...]

202, 2022

4T Tech Transfer Think Tank Event

Categories: Insights|

Claudio De Paoli, Head of Bip CyberSec is one of the speakers of the Jacobacci & Associati 4T event to talk about Privacy & CyberSecurity in the LifeScience sector For further information click here:

201, 2020

Two important enablers of the Digital Transformation

Categories: Insights|

Claudio De Paoli. Head of Bip CyberSec, invited by Team Systems to share the expeience of Bip CyberSec in the specific area of Identity Management and Digital Trust Services For further information click here:

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